There are three main steps in developing a C++ program:
- Type your Program in Turbo C++ Editor
- Compile this program, and remove errors, if any.
- Execute the program and get output results.
Here I am teaching you all this through a set of pictures with proper titles to explain each step.
First of all, open Turbo C++ IDE to write, compile and run programs in C / C++ easily. you can double click on the short cut of Turbo C++ on desktop of your PC.
Easyway open Turbo C++ IDE to write, compile and run programs in C / C++ |
Now click on the File menu and select New option to create a new file for writing a C / C++ program
Easyway C++ -click on the File menu and select New option to create a new file for writing a C / C++ program |
Start typing the C++ program in new file.
Easyway C++ Programs - Start typing the C++ program in new file. |
Type your C Plus Plus program, as shown in the figure below:
Easyway C++ Programs Type your C Plus Plus program |
Click on File menu and select Save option or press key board shortcut F2 to save the C++ program file .
Save the C++ program file - Easyway C++ Programs.
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