A computer program is a set of instructions given to computer to perform a specific task. For example, a program to calculate employees pay, a program to calculate factorial of a number or a program to display multiplication table of a given number. Programs consist of instructions to tell the computer how to process given data and get information. Computer programs are used to perform different tasks on computer, easily and quickly. The following pictures shows a program written in C++ programming language:
/* This C++ program is used to show Hello C++ Programming! CopyRights 2011-2013 EasyCppProgramming.BlogSpot.Com */ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); cout<<"Hello C++ Programming!"; getch(); }
Output of First Program in C++ Hello C++ Programming
What is Computer Programming?
Computer programming is the process of developing computer programs. Computer programs are a medium to instruct the computer. They tell the computer what to do.Define a Computer Programmer:
A Computer programmer is a person who develops computer programs. Commonly, a computer programmer has a bachelor or master level degree in Computer Science.
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