C++ tutorial, C++ programs, C++ Exercises, C++ Example Programs

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Download and Install Turbo C++ Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 Vista

Today we will discuss How to Download and Install Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista.

What is Turbo C++?

Turbo C++ 3.0 is the most popular OLD is GOLD Compiler for C language and C++ Language. in many countries students, normally, use Turbo C++ 3.0 for learning C / C++ programming.
They write their first C Language Program or C++ Program in Turbo C IDE. You can download and install Turbo C++ 3.0 in easy steps as follows:

Link for Download and Install Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista

Download and Install Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista
How to Download and Install Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista
Download and Install Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista

How To Install Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista.

     After you have downloaded the Turbo C++ installation zip file from mediafire website , extract this file.

    Double click on the Turbo C++ installation file to start setup. Click on Next button.
    Images are given below to guide you the Installation Process of Turbo C++ IDE.
    Download and Install Turbo C++ Compiler With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista
    Accept the terms and click on install button.

    Download and Install Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista step 2
    Click on Finish button to end the setup. Congratulations! Now you can learn C++ computer programming in Turbo C++ IDE. You can write and run your first C++ Program in Turbo C IDE.

    steps to Download and Install Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista step 3

    Click on start button and click on Turbo C++ icon.

    How To Run Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista
    Click on File menu and select New.

    How To Write First Program in Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista

    Type the first program as shown in the above picture. Click on RUN menu and select Run command. The output of the program will be shown as the following picture:

    output in Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista
    End of the C++ Tutorial How To Download, Install Turbo C++ With Full Screen IDE for Windows 7 and Vista and Write and Run First Program

    Tuesday, June 10, 2014

    C Plus Plus Program Conversion of Hours into Weeks Days Hours

    Today, we are going to discuss a simple program logic that uses only input, output and assignment statements along with variable declarations.

    Points of Discussion are:
    Easyway How to write c++ program convert hours into weeks days hours
    Easyway How to write c++ program convert hours into weeks days hours

    • C++ Program: Input Hours Convert into Weeks, Days and Hours.
    • Algorithm of the Hours Conversion Program
    • C++ Code of the Hours Conversion Program.
    • Understanding Logic of The Hours into Week, Day and Hours Program
    C Plus Plus to convert hours into weeks days and hours
    C Plus Plus to convert hours into weeks days and hours

    ALGORITHM : Hours Conversion

    This algorithm is used to input hours and convert into weeks, days and hours.
    1. Start
    2. Input Hours
    3. Calculate Weeks = Hours / 168
    4. Calculate Hours = Hours Mod 168
    5. Calculate Days = Hours / 24
    6. Calculate Hours = Hours Mod 24
    7. Display "Weeks=", Weeks
    8. Display "Days=", Days
    9. Display "Hours =", Hours
    10. End

    C++ Code: Program Hours Conversion into Weeks, Days and Hours.

    /* This program is used to input hours from the user. Then this algorithm "Hours Conversion" will convert hours into weeks, days and hours.*/

    void main()
          int h, w, d, hrs;
          cout<<"Enter Hours=";
          h = hrs;
          w = hrs / 168;
          hrs = hrs % 168;
          d = hrs / 24;
          hrs = hrs % 24;
          cout<<"Total Hours input = "<<h<<endl;
          cout<<"Weeks ="<<w<<endl;
          cout<<"Days ="<<d<<endl;
          cout<<"Hours ="<<hrs;

    OUTPUT of Sample Run of The Program Hours Conversion

    Enter Hours= 200
    Total Hours input =200
    Weeks = 1
    Days =1
    Hours =8

    Logic of The Program Hours Conversion

    We know that:
    1 day = 24 hours
    so 1 week = 24 x 7 = 168 hours

    Therefore we will divide total hours by 168 to get weeks.
    weeks = 200 / 168 will give 1 week.
    Now to calculate remaining hours we will get remainder of the division 200 % 168
    This will give remaining hours = 32

    To get days, we will divide remaining hours by 24
    so 32 / 24 will give 1 day.

    Now we will calculate remaining hours by remainder 32 % 24 that will give the result 8 hours.

    So the output 1 week, 1 day and 8 hours.

    If you enjoyed the C++ Learning Through Example program Logic Understanding, Please share this blog on Social media. Thanks!

    Sunday, February 16, 2014

    Convert a Number into Reverse Number Program in C Plus Plus

    C++ Reverse Number Conversion Program Logic

    Reverse Number Program logic in C Plus Plus using While Loop
    Reverse Number Program in C Plus Plus using While Loop

    Q: Write a C++ Program to input an integer number and display its Reverse Number. For example if the input is the number 123, the Reverse Number will be 321.

    Reverse Number Logic in common programming is very important. Although, it is difficult for beginner programmers, you must learn and understand REVERSE NUMBER Program in C++ or JAVA. This will be helpful for further improvements in your programming logic.

    Reverse the input number program in C++
    Reverse the input number program in C++
    • First of all we suppose that the number entered is 123.
    •  Let the given number num = 123
    • Copy the number in temporary variable temp so that temp = 123

    First Iteration of While Loop

    • We start a while loop with condition temp>0. Since temp=123 so loop will start for first time.
    • Now we will divide number 123 by 10 so that the remainder R = 3 and Quotient Q = 12
    • Put the values in statement rev = rev * 10 + R
    • rev = 0 * 10 + 3
    • rev = 3
    • Assign the value of Quotient Q to temp so that temp = 12 now.
    • Since temp 12 is >0, so the while loop will execute again.

    Second Iteration of While Loop

    • Now we will divide number temp 12 by 10 so that the remainder R = 2 and Quotient Q = 1
    • Put the values in statement rev = rev * 10 + R
    • rev = 3 * 10 + 2
    • rev = 30+2
    • rev = 32
    • Assign the value of Quotient Q to temp so that temp = 1 now.
    • Since temp 1 is >0, so the while loop will execute again.

     Third Iteration of While Loop

    •  Now we will divide number temp 1 by 10 so that the remainder R = 1 and Quotient Q = 0
    • Put the values in statement rev = rev * 10 + R
    • rev = 32 * 10 + 1
    • rev = 320+1
    • rev = 321
    • Assign the value of Quotient Q to temp so that temp = 0 now.
    • Since temp 0 is not >0, so the condition temp>0 will evaluate to false so that the while loop will terminate.
    While loop reverse a number program C++
    While loop reverse a number program


           So the Required Reverse Number is 321.

    The Actual C++ Code of Reverse Number Program

    Program to input a number, then display its Reverse number.
    (c) Www.EasyCppProgramming.Blogspot.Com

    void main()
         int num, temp, rev=0, R, Q;


         cout<<"Enter a number to reverse=";


         temp = num;

         while ( temp>0 )


           Q = temp/10;
           R = temp % 10;
           rev = rev*10 + R;

           temp = Q;


         cout<<"\n The Reverse Number = "<<rev;


    Thursday, January 16, 2014

    Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps and C++ Program

    Today, we will discuss Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps on Sample Data and C++ Program implementation of Insertion Sort. First of all, we will:
    1. Define Insertion Sort
    2. Explain the working of Insertion Sort 
    3. Design an algorithm of Insertion Sort
    4. Show trace steps of Insertion sort algorithm for sample data on paper.
    5. Finally, write down the actual code of Insertion sort program in C++.

      What is Insertion Sort?

    In Insertion sort, we have to insert elements in to correct position. First of all we find the correct position to insert for the key value under consideration. Secondly we will move other elements to make space for this new element (key value). Now we insert the new element at this space. Suppose there are the following elements in an array A to sort by insertion sort:

    Working of Insertion Sort

    1. Let first item be trivially sorted.
    2. Now we consider first two items of list. Place second item on its correct location.
    3. In Third pass we will consider first three items from list. Insert the 3rd item at its correct location among location1, location2 and location3.
    4. In 4th pass, insert the 4th item at its correct location among location1, location2, location3 and location4.
    5. And so on.

    Algorithm of Insertion Sort

     Algorithm: INSERTION-SORT(array)
     This algorithm takes Array 'array' of size n numbers (array has index from 0 to n-1)as input. It sorts the given array in ascending order by INSERTION SORT method. i and j are integer variables used as index of array. temp is a temporary integer variable.
     1.   Repeat through step 6 for i ← 1 to n-1
     2.     temp  ← array[i]
     3.    Repeat through  step 5 while ( j > 0 && array[j-1] > temp)
     4.    array[j] ← array[j -1]
     5.    j ←   j - 1
     6.    array[j]← temp
     7.    End  

    Insertion Algorithm Paper Tracing with data:a[0] ,a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]
     5,       2,     4,      6,     1,     3
    1. First of all we suppose that the first element 5 is its correct place or trivially sorted.

    2. Now we consider second element 2. We have to insert 2 at its correct location from first two locations [0] and [1]. We will find its correct position from first two items 5 and 2.
    3. Since 2 is less than 5, so the correct location of 2 is at array index[0].
    4. We will move 5 from position [0] to [1].
    5. Now we will place 2 at [0], so we have sorted first two items.

    6. Now array = 2,5,4,6,1,3 Consider 3rd item which is 4. Now we find its correct location from first three locations. So 4 will be inserted at location [1] between 2 and 5.
    7. We move 5 to position [2] and place 4 on position [1]
    8. So first three items are sorted with array = 2,4,5,6,1,3

    9. Now array = 2,4,5,6,1,3   consider 4th item 6 and place on its correct location among first four locations.
        We know that 6 is at its correct location which is 4th location and by index it is [3].

    10. Now array is 2,4,5,6,1,3  consider 5th item which is 1. We know that its correct location between first
          five items is number one that is position [0] by index.
    11. So we move 6 on [4]
               we move 5 on [3]
               we move 4 on [2]
               we move 2 on [1]
    12. Now place 1 on position [0], so the array items a[0] to a[4] are sorted

    13. Now array is 1,2,4,5,6,3   consider 6th item which is 3.
    14. We know that 3 will be inserted at location [2] between item 2 and item 4.
    15. We move 6 to location [5]
                move 5 to [4]
                move 4 to [3]
    16. Now place 3 at location [2]
    17. Hence the whole array has been sorted now     1,2,3,4,5,6
     You can check this all process in the following picture of insertion sort paper tracing.

    Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps and Program

    Image: Trace steps : Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps and Program

    Easyway C++ : Insertion sort Algorithm trace steps and C++ Program
    Easyway C++ : Insertion sort Algorithm trace steps and C++ Program

    Program Insertion Sort in C++

    C++ is Simplified Here!
    Target 1001 C++ Example Programs!

    // Program To Input an array and sort
    // the array by Insertion Sort Algorithm


    int main()

       int n, array[100], i, j, t;

    cout<<"\n/* Insertion sort Ascending order */\n";

      cout<<"Enter number of elements\n";

      cout<<"Enter "<<n<<" numbers\n";

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

    for( i = 1;i < n; i++)
         temp = array[i];
         for ( j = i; j > 0 && array[j-1] > temp; j--)
         array[j] = array[j-1];
         array[j] = temp;

      cout<<"Sorted list in ascending order:\n";

      for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)

      return 0;

    Image: Sample Run of Program in Turbo C++ 3.0 - Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps and Program

    Easyway C++ : Insertion sort algorithm C++ Program Output Trace output
    Easyway C++ : Insertion sort algorithm C++ Program Output Trace output

     Another Insertion Sorting Example for sorting data: 5,2,3,8,1

    Figure: ample data trace steps: Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps and Program
    Another Insertion Sorting Example for sorting data - Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps and Program
    Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps and Program - easyway C++ Program
    So, we have completely discussed Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps and Program, if you have any question please do not hesitate to ask question in comments section, thanks.

    Further suggested Reading: Sorting Algorithms and Programs in C / C++

    1.  Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program Logic in C Plus Plus


    Tuesday, January 14, 2014

    Bubble Sort Algorithm Trace Steps on Sample Data and C++ Program

    Today, we will discuss Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program Logic in CPP ( C++ ) programming language. We will study:
    1. Definition of Bubble Sort Algorithm
    2. Trace steps for sample data or working of Bubble sorting algorithm
    3. Algorithm of Bubble Sorting Method
    4. Actual code of Bubble sort program in C++ programming language

     What is Bubble Sort?

    Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm, in which we repeatedly pass through the whole array and swap the adjacent elements if they are not sorted.

    Note that: In Bubble sort there will be maximum (n-1) passes to sort the given array. For example, if array size n = 5 then there will be (n-1) that is 4 passes.
    Note that: In first pass there will be 4 comparisons like 5>4. In second pass there will be 3 comparisons. In third pass there will be two comparisons. And in last that is 4th pass there will be only one comparison.

    Method of Bubble Sorting

    • 1. Compare first two adjacent elements, if first is greater than second then swap them( if  sorting on ascending order)   
    • 2. Repeat this comparison for second and third adjacent elements, then third and fourth elements and so on to second last and last elements. And swap the values where needed. This makes ONE PASS of Bubble Sort Algorithm.
    • 3. Now again start with first and second element to compare and swap if first is greater than other. This time ignore last element. So you will compare adjacent elements from number 1 to second last element.
    • 4. Similarly in third pass, you will reduce another comparison from end, and so on.
    • 5. Keep repeating for one fewer element each time until there will be no pairs to compare. In Last Pass, there will be only one comparison of first and second element.

    Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program Logic in CPP - on Sample Data

    For example:

    Let given un sorted array is:

    5, 4, 3, 2, 1

    In first pass:
    5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    Pass 1:

    We will check if 5>4 then swap(5,4) so that array will become as follows
         4, 5, 3, 2, 1
        Next we will check if 5>3 then swap(5,3) so that array will become:
         4, 3, 5, 2, 1
        Next we will check if 5>2 then swap(5,2) so that array will become:
         4, 3, 2, 5, 1
        Next we will check that if 5>1 then swap(5,1) so that array will become:
        4, 3, 2, 1, 5
    Note: You should note that in pass 1, the last element (5) is bubbled and placed to its correct location(sorted) in the given array.
    Pass 2:

    4, 3, 2, 1, 5
    We will check if 4>3 then swap(4,3) which is true , so that array will become as follows:
         3, 4, 2, 1, 5
        Next we will check if 4>2 then swap(4,2) so that array will become:
         3, 2, 4, 1, 5
        Next we will check if 4>1 then swap(4,1) so that array will become:
         3, 2, 1, 4, 5
    Note: You should note that in pass 2, the second last element (4) is bubbled and placed to its correct location(sorted) in the given array.

    Pass 3:

    3, 2, 1, 4, 5
    We will check if 3>2 then swap(3,2) which is true , so that array will become as follows:
         2, 3, 1, 4, 5
        Next we will check if 3>1 then swap(3,1) so that array will become:
         2, 1, 3, 4, 5
    Note: You should note that in pass 3, the third last element (3) is bubbled and placed to its correct location(sorted) in the given array.

    Pass 4:
    2, 1, 3, 4, 5
    We will check if 2>1 then swap(2,1) which is true so the array becomes:
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Which is the required sorted array.

      Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program Logic in CPP

    Bubble Sort Algorithm

    This algorithm will input values in array A of n size. Then sort the array by Bubble sort method and display the display the array. Suppose A be a linear array of n numbers. Temp is a temporary variable for swapping (interchanging) the position of the numbers in array as required according to the sorting order.
    1. Input n numbers of an array A
        Initialise i=0 and repeat through 1b if (i<n)
        1a) Display Message " Enter a number="
        1b) Input A[i]
    2. Initialise i= 0 and repeat through step 4 if (i< n)
    3. Initialize j= 0 and repeat through step 4 if (j< n – i– 1)
    4. If (A[j] > A[j + 1])
    (a) Temp = A[j]
    (b) A[j] = A[j + 1]
    (c) A[j+ 1] = Temp
    5. Display the sorted numbers of array A
        Initialise i=0 and repeat through 5a if (i<n)
        5a) Display A[i]
    6. Exit.

    Picture: Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program Logic in CPP
    Bubble Sort Algorithm, Trace Steps on Sample data with C++ Program
    Bubble Sort Algorithm, Trace Steps on Sample data with C++ Program

    Bubble Sort Program Code for Array of size s = 5 integer elements

    Sample Run in Turbo C++ 3.0 IDE Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program Logic in CPP

    Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program Logic in C++ Trace steps
    Algorithm of Bubble Sort, Tracing Steps on Sample data with C++ Program
    C++ is Simplified Here!
    Target 1001 C++ Example Programs!

    // Program To Input an array and sort
    // the array by Bubble Sort Algorithm


    int main()

        int a[5], s=5, i, j, k, temp;
       // input array
       cout<<"Enter 5 array elements to sort:\n";
       // show un-sorted array
       cout<<"\n Un-Sorted array is =";
       cout<<a[i]<<"    ";
       // sort array by bubble sort
    cout<<"\nAfter Pass "<<(i+1)<<" elements are : ";
    for (k = 0; k < s; k++)
    cout<<a[k]<<"   ";
    }/*End of outer for loop*/
        // show sorted array
       cout<<"\n ----------------------------------";
       cout<<"\nSorted Array is = ";

       cout<<a[i]<<"    ";
       // wait for user to press any key
       // end
       return 0;

    Now after studying Bubble Sort Algorithm and Program Logic in CPP, Read more on

    Insertion Sort Algorithm Trace Steps and Program


    Explain Different Types of Iterative Looping Structures

    What is a Looping Structure in C++?

    A looping structure is a statement used to repeatedly execute a block of  one or more statements for a specified number of times or as long as a given condition remains true.

    In C++, looping statements are also called Repetitive statements or Iterative Statements.

    Different Types of  Looping Structures in C++

    There are three types of looping structures in C and C++ programming languages, as follows:

    1. for loop
    2. while loop
    3. do while loop
    Explain Different Types of Iterative Looping Structures
     Let us study these iterative statements deeply with syntax and purpose with the help of sample codes and outputs.

    1. for Loop statement

    A for loop statement is used to execute a block of one or more statements repeatedly for a specified number of times.

    Syntax of for loop

        statement 2;
       statement N;

    Example of for loop

    int d;
    for(d=5; d>=1; d--)



    2. while Loop Statement in C / C++

    while loop is used to execute a block of one or more statements repeatedly as long as the given condition remains true.

    Syntax of while loop

        statement 2;
       statement N;

    Example of while loop

    int f=5;



    3. do while Loop statement in C / C++

    A do while loop is used to execute a block of one or more statements as long as the given condition remains true but condition is placed after loop body.

    Syntax of do while loop

        statement 2;
       statement N;

    Example of do while loop

    int h=5;



    After studying a brief description of Different Types of Iterative Looping Structures in C++
    For further reading:

    Purpose and Example of do while Loop in CPP Language
    Working of for loop statement with examples

    Working of While Loop With Examples

    Monday, January 13, 2014

    Purpose and Example of do while Loop in CPP Language

    What is a do while Loop?

    The do while loop is another iterative statement in C++ language. It is used to repeat a set of one or more statements while the given condition remains true. It is similar to while loop in C++ except that the condition is written after the body of loop.
    Purpose and Example of do while Loop in CPP Language
    Purpose and Example of do while Loop in C++ Language

    Syntax of do while loop

       statement 1;
       statement 2;
       statement N;

    while (condition);

    do is a reserved word or keyword.
       statement 1;
       statement 2;
       statement N;

    is body of loop (a set of one or more statements enclosed in curly brackets)
    while is a reserved word or keyword
    condition is normally given as a relational expression like (n>=1) etc

    Example of do while loop

    int n = 1;
     while (n<=5); 

    Output of the above written C++ code segment is list of 1 to 5 numbers as follows:


    How this output comes?

    1. First of all an integer variable n is intialized to 1.
    2. Body of loop is executed for first time. 1 is printed and control goes to next line due to endl.
    3. The valuse of n is incremented by one so that n is equal to 2 now.
    4. Condition is checked for first time n<=5, that is, 2<=5 which is true.
    5. Body of loop is executed for second time.
    6. 2 is printed and control goes to next line due to endl.
    7. The value of n is incremented by one so that n is equal to 3 now.
    8. Condition is checked  n<=5, that is, 3<=5 which is true.
    9. Body of loop is executed for third time.
    6. 3 is printed and control goes to next line due to endl.
    7. The value of n is incremented by one so that n is equal to 4 now.
    8. Condition is checked  n<=5, that is, 4<=5 which is true.
    9. Body of loop is executed for fourth time.
    10. 4 is printed and control goes to next line due to endl.
    11. The value of n is incremented by one so that n is equal to 5 now.
    12. Condition is checked  n<=5, that is, 5<=5 which is true.
    13. Body of loop is executed for fourth time.
    14. 5 is printed and control goes to next line due to endl.
    15. The value of n is incremented by one so that n is equal to 6 now.
    16. Condition is checked  n<=5, that is, 6<=5 which is false. So the do while loop ends here.

    Example 2 of do while loop

    int n=100;
    while (n>=1000);

    Output is as follows:


    Explanation of working of above sample do while code:

    1. First of all the value of n is set to 100.
    2. Body of loop is executed for the first time.
    3. 100 is printed on screen and control goes to next line due to endl. The value of variable n is incremented by one so that now n = 101
    4. The given condition (n>=1000) is checked. Since the condition (101>=1000) is false so the loop will will end.

    Friday, January 10, 2014

    Explanation of Fibonacci Series n Terms Program

    Q:Write a C++ program to input a number N and display N fibonacci Terms.

    Program Planning: Printing n Terms of Fibonacci Series

    We start the logic building about the above mentioned Fibonacci series program. First of all we try to understand what the Fibonacci Series is:

    What is a Fibonacci Series?

    Fibonacci Series is a series of numbers where every next number is obtained by adding the two previous numbers. Note that first two numbers are 0 and 1 by definition. So the Fibonacci Series will be as under:

    Fibonacci Series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 and so on.

    Term No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Term 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
    For example, if we wish to write Nth term of the series, then we will get nth term by adding (n-1)th and (n-2)th term.

    Nth Term = (n-1)th Term + (n-2)th Term

    For example, if we wish to find 5th term

    5th Term  = (5-1)th + (5-2)th Term

                     = 2          +           1

                     = 3

    Easyway how to write C++ Program Logic: N Terms of Fibonacci Series in C++

    Easyway how to write C++ Program Logic: N Terms of Fibonacci Series in C++


    Program Logic: N Terms of Fibonacci Series in C++

    1. We know that First Two Terms are 0 and 1, so initialize First=0 and Second=1
    2. Print the value of first and second term by cout<<
    3. If we find n terms then we know that we have already displayed two terms. Therefore, we will use a while loop to display remaining n-2 terms. In loop body we will add first and second to get third term.
    4. Now we will place the value of second term in first. We will also place value of  third term in second.

    Program Coding: N Terms of Fibonacci Series in C++

    C++ is Simplified Here!
    Target 1001 C++ Example Programs!

    // Program To Input a Number n and
    // display n terms of Fibonacci Series
    // by while loop

     int main()                 
       int first=0, second=1, third, count=2, n;
       cout<<"How Many Terms of Fibonacci Series? ";
       if (n<1)
           cout<<"\n Invalid Input, Enter a Positive number";

       if (n==1)
       else if (n==2)
            third = first + second;
            first = second;
            second = third;
       return 0;

    Further reading suggestions:

    Basic Structure of a C++ Program

    C++ Program Development Cycle

    How To Write, Compile and Run Your First C++ Program

    How To Start Turbo C++ IDE

    How To Install Turbo C++ 3.0 - IDE

    Features of C++ Programming Language

    Brief History of C++

    Flowcharts in Computer Programming

    The Role of Algorithms in Programming

    How To Start Computer Programming
    What is a Computer Program
    - See more at: http://easycppprogramming.blogspot.com

    Program Factorial by While Loop Logic

    Q: Write a program in C++ to input a number and display its factorial. Use while Loop.

    Easyway How to Write a program in C++ to input a number and display its factorial

    Easyway How to Write a program in C++ to input a number and display its factorial

    Program factorial : How to understand mathematical  Logic behind factorial?

    We know that factorial of a number is equal to the product of all numbers from one to the given number. For example
    Factorial of  3 = 1 x 2 x 3   hence 6
    Factorial of  4 = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 , hence 24
    Similarly Factorial of  N = 1 x 2 x 3 .......... x n
    If  N = 5 then
    Factorial = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 , hence 125
    Which Statements we Need For Factorial Program?
    1. We need cout<< for displaying messages and results to the user.
    2. We need cin>> for inputting a number.
    3. We need assignment statement, for example fact = 1;
    4. We need a while loop statement to multiply all numbers from 1 to N.
    And above all we need some variable declarations as well.

    Coding : Find Factorial of a Number by while Loop

    C++ is Simplified Here!
    Target 1001 C++ Example Programs!

    // Program To Input a Number and Find
    // its Factorial by while Loop

     int main()                  
       int num;
       cout<<"Enter a Number to Display\nits Factorial=";

       long i=1, fact=1;
       fact = fact * i;
       cout<<"Factorial of "<<num<<" = "<<fact<<endl;
       return 0;  

     A Sample Run on Paper of Program Factorial

    1.  Let we input 3.
    2. Now num = 3, we also initialize i and fact variables to 1.So that now i = 1 and fact =1
    3. Condition of While loop is tested (i<=num) putting the values 1<=3 which is true.
    4. So while loop starts

         First Iteration

          fact = fact * i
          before execution
          1   =  1    *   1
          fact =1 and i = 1
          after execution
          fact =1  and i =1
         The value of i is incremented by 1 so i=2


    Second Iteration

    Since i<=num that is 2<=3 is true so loop takes second iteration    
          fact = fact * i
          before execution
          1   =  1    *   2
          fact =1 and i = 2
          after execution
         fact =2  and i =2
         Note: First of all, Right hand side expression (1 * 2) is evaluated and the result is assigned to the variable fact on left hand side of  =.
    The value of i is incremented by 1 so i=3

    Third Iteration

    Since i<=num that is 3<=3 is true so loop takes third iteration    
          fact = fact * i
          before execution
          2   =  2    *   3
          fact =2 and i = 3
          after execution
          fact =6  and i =3
         The value of i is incremented by 1 so i=4

     Since i<=num that is 4<=3 is false so loop ends now.

    The control goes to next statement which is
      cout<<"Factorial of "<<num<<" = "<<fact<<endl;
    So it will print Factorial of 3 = 6

    Thursday, January 9, 2014

    Program Multiplication Table by While Loop

    Q. Write a C++ Program to input a number and then display its multiplication table.
    Write a C++ Program to input a number and then display its multiplication table -Easyway C++
    Easyway C++ -
    Write a C++ Program to input a number and then display its multiplication table -Easyway C++

     int main()                  
       int num;
       cout<<"Enter a Number to Display\nits Multiplication Table=";
       cout<<"Table of "<<num<<endl<<"................."<<endl;
       int i=1;
       cout<<num<<" x "<<i<<" = "<<num*i<<endl;
       return 0;  

    Logic of the Multiplication Table Program in C++

    1.  First of all, we input a number to display its table in a variable num.
    2.  Initialize a loop control variable i to 1.
    3. Set a while loop with the condition i<=10 because we wish to repeat loop body for 10 times from i=1 to i=10
    4. cout<<num<<" x "<<i<<" = "<<num*i<<endl;  
        The above statement will display one line of multiplication table as follows
        Let the entered number is 7 and i = 1
        7 x 1 = 7
    5. The statement i++; will cause increment of 1 to i, so that i has the value 2 now.
    int i=1;
       cout<<num<<" x "<<i<<" = "<<num*i<<endl;

    This while loop will repeat loop body as long as the condition remains true for the value of i = 1 to 10.
    When i becomes 11 then the condition i<=10  takes the form 11<=10 which gives false. Hence loop will stop.

    Working of While Loop With Examples

    What is a while Loop in C++?

    A while Loop in C++ and C Language is used to execute a block of one or more statements repeatedly as long as the given condition remains TRUE.

    When To Use a while Loop in C++?

    A while Loop is suitable in a condition where the number of iteratios is not known in advance.

    Syntax of while Loop in C++



    • while is the reserved word.
    • condition is a valid C++ relational expression. For example i>=1   or k<=5
    • statement is a C++ instruction. This instruction will be executed repeatedly as long as the given condition remains true.


        statement 1;
        statement 2;
         statement N;


    • while is the reserved word.
    • condition is a valid C++ relational expression. For example i>=1   or k<=5
    • {
          statement 1;
          statement 2;
           statement N;
      Statement BLOCK or a compound statement   A set of one or more statements enclosed in BRACES { } is called a statement block or a Compound Statement. This block will be executed repeatedly as long as the given condition remains true. This statement block is also called body of loop or Loop Body.

      Working of a while loop

      We will explain the working of a while loop in C++ with the help of an example loop statement as follows:

      int counter = 1;

      while ( counter <=3 )
             cout<<"while LOOP"<<endl;
             counter ++;

      First of all, a loop control variable called "counter" is initialized to 1.


      Working of while loop starts by checking the condition ( counter<=3 ). Now the value of counter is 1. So that the condition becomes 1<=3 which produces true result. Therefore, loop body that is
             cout<<"while LOOP"<<endl;
             counter ++;
      will be executed. while LOOP will be printed on screen and cursor will move to next line because of endl. counter variable will be incremented by 1 so that it has the new value 2.


      The control will move to start of while loop. Condition is checked ( counter<=3 ). Now the value of counter is 2. So that the condition becomes 2<=3 which produces true result. Therefore, loop body that is
             cout<<"while LOOP"<<endl;
             counter ++;
      will be executed. while LOOP will be printed on screen for second time and cursor will move to next line because of endl. counter variable will be incremented by 1 so that it has the new value 3.


      The control will move to start of while loop. Condition is checked ( counter<=3 ). Now the value of counter is 3. So that the condition becomes 3<=3 which produces true result. Therefore, loop body that is
             cout<<"while LOOP"<<endl;
             counter ++;
      will be executed. while LOOP will be printed on screen for third time and cursor will move to next line because of endl. counter variable will be incremented by 1 so that it has the new value 4.

      Now the control will move to the start of while loop. The condition ( counter <=3 ) is tested. Since the value of counter variable is 4 now. Hence the condition becomes  4<=3 which will give false now. This will cause the while loop to end.

      Example Code 2: Display the numbers 5 down to 1 with the help of while loop.


      int k=5;
      while( k >=1)

      First of all, a loop control variable called "k" is initialized to 5.


      Working of while loop starts by checking the condition ( k>=1 ). Now the value of counter is 5. So that the condition becomes  5>=1 which produces true result. Therefore, loop body that is
      will be executed. The value of k that is 5 will be printed on screen and cursor will move to next line because of endl. counter variable k will be decremented by 1 so that it has the new value 4.


      The control will move to start of while loop. Condition is checked (  k>=1 ). Now the value of counter is 4. So that the condition becomes  4>=1 which produces true result. Therefore, loop body that is
      will be executed. The value of k that is 4 will be printed on screen and cursor will move to next line because of endl. counter variable k will be decremented by 1 so that it has the new value 3.


      The control will move to start of while loop. Condition is checked (  k>=1 ). Now the value of counter is 3. So that the condition becomes  3>=1 which produces true result. Therefore, loop body that is
      will be executed. The value of k that is 3 will be printed on screen and cursor will move to next line because of endl. counter variable will be decremented by 1 so that it has the new value 2.


      The control will move to start of while loop. Condition is checked (  k>=1 ). Now the value of counter is 2. So that the condition becomes  2>=1 which produces true result. Therefore, loop body that is
      will be executed. The value of k that is 2 will be printed on screen and cursor will move to next line because of endl. counter variable will be decremented by 1 so that it has the new value 1.


      The control will move to start of while loop. Condition is checked (  k>=1 ). Now the value of counter is 3. So that the condition becomes  1>=1 which produces true result. Therefore, loop body that is
      will be executed. The value of k that is 1 will be printed on screen and cursor will move to next line because of endl. counter variable will be decremented by 1 so that it has the new value 0.

      Now the control will move to the start of while loop. The condition (  k>=1 ) is tested. Since the value of counter variable is 4 now. Hence the condition becomes   0>=1 which will give false now. This will cause the while loop to end.


    Tuesday, January 7, 2014

    Working of for loop statement with examples

    What is a For Loop Statement?

    for Loop is a looping or iteration statement. It is used to execute a set of one or more statements for a specified number of times. It is a  counter-controlled loop.

    Syntax of for Loop

    for(initialization; condition; increment_decrement_expression)


       statement number 1;

       statement number 2;

       statement number 3;




      statement number N;


    Explanation of syntax of for loop

    1. Initialization: 
    It is used to assign a starting value to loop control variable also called a loop counter variable. Here we can initialize more than one variables separated by commas.
    Example:  i = 1;
    Example: int counter = 1;
    Example: int i = 1, j = 10, k = 20;
    2. condition
    This condition is normally a relational expression. This expression will either produce a TRUE or FALSE. The statements in loop body will be executed only if the given condition is TRUE. If condition is FALSE then the loop body will not be executed.
    Example: i < 11;
    Example: counter <=10;
    Example: j > 0;

    3. Increment_Decrement_expression
    It is used to increase or decrease the value of the counter variable. It is used to change the value of counter value in such a way that at some time it will make the given condition FALSE, so that the loop may be terminated. If this expression fails to produce a value that makes the given condition false, then for loop will never stop. Such for loop is called an infinite for loop the will never stop. It will continue executing loop body infinitely.
    Example: i ++;
    Example: counter --;
    Example: j += 2;
    Example: i = i + 1;
    Example: k = k - 1;
    4. Loop Body ( Statements 1 to N)
    The statements in braces (curly brackets) are also called loop body. These are the statements to be executed again and again as long as the given condition remains TRUE. Note that if there is a single statement then the the use of curly brackets is optional. However, more than one statements make a block that must be placed within curly brackets.

    How for loop works

     We will use the following example to explain the working of for loop in C++:
    for( int i = 1; i <= 3; i ++)
    will produce the following output:

    1        2        3  

    1. First of all counter variable i is initialized to 1.
    2. Now condition i <= 3; is checked for the value of i = 1. So that 1 <= 3 is TRUE.
    3. Since condition is TRUE, so loop body   cout<<i<<"\t"; will be executed and will print 1
    4. Now increment expression  i ++  is executed. So that the value of i becomes 2.
    5. Now condition i <= 3; is checked for the value of i = 2. So that 2 <= 3 is TRUE.
    6. Since condition is TRUE, so loop body   cout<<i<<"\t"; will be executed and will print 2
    7. Now increment expression  i ++  is executed. So that the value of i becomes 3.
    8. Now condition i <= 3; is checked for the value of i = 3. So that 3 <= 3 is TRUE.
    9. Since condition is TRUE, so loop body   cout<<i<<"\t"; will be executed and will print 3
    10. Now increment expression  i ++  is executed. So that the value of i becomes 4.
    11. Now condition i <= 3; is checked for the value of i = 4. So that 4 <= 3 is FALSE.
    12. Since condition is False, so loop body   cout<<i<<"\t"; will not be executed and the for loop is terminated.


     for(int i = 1; i <=3; i ++)
         cout<<"Good ";

    will produce the following output:

    Good Good Good Luck 

     for(int i = 1; i <=3; i ++)

    cout<<" Good ";

    will produce the following output:
      Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck

